Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dear TONY: How Soon is Too Soon?

In July of 2007, I blogged on being in a “no strings attached” relationship. I told the story of my friend, new to single life, finding herself tangled up in a situation that she initially agreed to, but no longer wanted. Better late than never, here is my attempt at further exploring the topic of how soon is too soon to become physically intimate with someone. More specifically, I’ve been curious to know if there is potential for a relationship to form from a situation in which sex was introduced very early into the equation. There was a very insightful comment that was made on that blog and I’ve asked Jennifer Lindsay (JuJuBee925) to share her thoughts with us in detail. I appreciate her outlook and approach and hope you can as well.

When speaking about relationships the question of “How soon is too soon?” is always infused in every aspect/stage of the relationship. “How soon is too soon” to kiss, “How soon is too soon” for sex, “How soon is too soon” for marriage (or talks thereof), “How soon is too soon” for kids. In almost every stage, one or both parties of the relationship asks this question, “How soon is too soon?,” and I believe, undeniably, that the answer, no matter the stage of the relationship, rests within the specific situation and with the individuals involved. There is no “Set Time” or specific “Date of Copulation.” It’s a choice based off of gut feelings and instinct, and should never be about anything more or less than that.

In getting to the nitty-gritty of this matter, I believe, for the most part, that women are typically the individuals that control the first intimate encounter. And you have three different prototypical types of women, when it comes to handling this matter:

The Controller
The Loose Goose, and
The Free Spirit

The Controller is comparable to Joan, of Girlfriends, who has the standard “3 Month Rule.” While in theory, this rule seems appropriate, for it allows you and your soon to be partner to really get to know each other, it’s extremely conservative nature can keep you from some truly amazing guys. This system/way of thinking is problematic because every new and budding relationship is different. To begin a relationship starting with rules, to me, would send a red flag to a guy, that this woman has a need to control everything and isn’t a “go with the flow” type of individual, a trait that most guys posses. Also, what happens if you fall for the guy at week 6, you have to put those feelings on hold or even belabor taking that next step because it doesn’t fit into your timeline? I think having a rule disables you from being a “Big Girl” and making the choice yourself, so that if the relationship fails, you won’t have to be responsible.

The Loose Goose is more open... perhaps too much so. Now, I’m an advocate of doing what you feel, but there is a fine line that can easily cross into being easy. I believe that you should know a person and be comfortable with them, without the assistance of alcohol, before getting intimate. Being this type will often leave you jumping in and out of beds too quickly, without really knowing the guy you’re seeking. This type of woman confuses her gut feeling with other mental or physical emotions, which can ultimately spell disaster if she’s looking to be a girlfriend and not a booty call.

The Free Spirit is the ideal of the three. She is the “go with the flow” type. She uses her head and her heart when it comes to decision making and takes responsibility for the outcome, whether good or bad.

Can committed relationships form from situations where sex took place soon after meeting? I believe the answer is YES… and NO. Yes, it does happen, but, taking from the movie He’s Just Not That into You, that is more the exception than the rule. Does it happen to most girls, NO. I think that in the world of dating, everybody, men and women alike, should always prepare to be the exception but expect to be the rule.

In having sex “too soon,” I don’t believe that the person loses respect, but that couple really doesn’t know one another and makes them play catch-up, which in many cases is harder. It’s like you know their favorite bed position, but you don’t know their stance/position on current affairs, or their current position at work. If it seems backwards, it is.

All in all, know your mate and know yourself. The decision you make, in the end, will always be the best decision for you.

In addition, I polled a few men on the topic.

Can a relationship form from sex too soon? Would you lose respect?
• “Yes, a relationship can form. The only time you could say she ‘gave it up too soon’ is if it was the same day you met. That would impact my level of respect. Otherwise I'd assume you just know what you want.”
• “A woman should make every guy work for it - at least 2 months... You will really see if he's about games.”
• “My longest relationship came from a situation where we had sex within the first week! So my answer is yes, it can work. As a man, if I respect the female as a woman with class, while outside the bedroom, that respect isn't going to change by us having sex.”

If she asked you to wait, how long would you?
• “I could wait for as long as I cared to, and that’s just relative to whom I’m dealing with and what I feel for them.”
• “It would be a pain not getting any but I would respect it and her.”
• “A real interest in her would make a guy wait and he would get to spend more time around her if she doesn't give it up fast because he's going to try and impress her. It’s harder to ditch a girl you've become attached 2 rather than somebody u just (expletive). By giving it up too soon, that's a sure way to lose interest because he's already received the services - but with time, there’s a greater chance for a connection to be formed.”

Live, Love, Learn...and repeat!

Song for thought: T.O.N.Y., Solange